We need you to make the 28th UIA World Congress a success and an important milestone in the history of what architecture can do to help save the planet!

Join leading providers of sustainable solutions, highlight your organization as a leading capacity in the sector, showcase your services and products, participate in the dialogue, influence and support the “Leave No One Behind” agenda and show how you are part of the solutions.

You have the opportunity to reach 10.000+ professionals from both Danish and international architect companies, real estate developers and commercial investors that convene with renowned scientists from all over the globe, highly motivated students, dedicated NGOs and politicians to widen their horizons, debate and get inspired by new products and learnings. It can only have a lasting impact if we come together for real change, and that is what we will do in Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark from July 2-6 2023.

See how your organisation can be part of the congress.

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