Design For Equality

Unequal access to resources and rights is the cause of some of society’s largest problems: Poverty, racism, gender discrimination, illness, lack of access to education, health and cultural resources, as well as safe housing, communities and work opportunities.

Global income and wealth inequalities are also tightly connected to ecological inequalities and to inequalities in contributions to climate change. The world’s population is growing, putting pressure on our cities and communities. While the gap between rich and poor keeps widening and the richest 10% of the global population own 76% of all wealth, it is urgent to find solutions.

How can more equal opportunities be achieved through our built environment, public spaces and universal design? And how can we as a collective industry help protect basic human rights and create a fairer society for future generations?

This session will explore these questions and challenge how the building industry can use architecture and design as tools for social equality, thriving communities and a healthier planet.


Sif Holst

Vice Chair, Disabled People's Organizations Denmark


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