For the first part of the session, following the introduction by Philippe Capelier, Co-Director of the Social Habitat Work Programme, at least 5 speakers from the Work Programme are expected to present social housing within the 5 UIA regions of the world as they are defined by the UIA.
During these 5 presentations will be evoked by the speakers:
- Analytical and critical look, weaknesses, and qualities.
- Different testimonies.
- Presentation of remarkable achievements, projections of these.
In a second part, we will evoke the Manifesto of the Social Habitat Work Programme: Presentation of the profession of faith of the group.
Finally, in a third and last part, a question-and-answer session with the audience present in the room will be proposed.
Summary of the session:
#1 Quick introduction by Philippe Capelier (SHWP Co-Director)
#2 Presentations 5X10mn = 50mn
#3 Presentation of the SHWP Manifesto = 10mn
#4 Questions and answers with the audience = 30mn