Ayşen Ciravoğlu

Council Member, UIA

Ayşen Ciravoğlu is a full time Professor enrolled in research and educational activities in both graduate and undergraduate levels in the fields of architectural education, sustainable architecture, architectural design, environmental issues and critics on architecture in Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture.

Ciravoğlu is a council member of UIA (Union of International Architects). She is the editor of MEGARON, an e- journal of Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture and is in editorial board of both Mimarlık and mimar.ist journals issued by Chamber of Architects of Turkey. She had been member of executive boards of CAT (Chamber of Architects of Turkey), MİAK (Architectural Accrediting Board of Turkey), MİMED (Association for Architectural Education), MİV (Foundation for Architecture), Istanbul Branch of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey and ICUS (International Centre for Urban Studies).

Ciravoğlu has won EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) Prize in 2002 with her article entitled “On Formal and Informal Studies in Architectural Design Education”.

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