Professional Studies: International Architecture BA (Hons) – University of Huddersfield, UK – 2008.
Professional Experience: Accessor for the Urbanism Ministry – Luanda – Angola. In which I was involved in several projects, one of the projects was the compatibility and harmonization project of the coast of Luanda.
Founder of the office Building Society for Architect – in 2016, where I developed the Rio Seco project, in which it was featured for the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, in 2017 I was awarded by one of the main magazine on the market for business and intelligence called RUMO with a prize of Angolan Golden Generation for producing and developing the project Rio Seco Green Network.
Today I continue to work and develop several projects, for private and public clients, working in both sectors and always schedule for the rigor of the services provided and for constant attention to the needs of the clients.