Merve Bedir is an architect based in Rotterdam and Istanbul. Her work examines infrastructures of hospitality and mobility. A second thread of work follows the posthuman relationships in the context of ecology and cybernetics. Bedir is a co-founder of Aformal Academy (an experimental school program in Pearl River Delta region), a founding member of Mutfak مطبخ Workshop (focusing on Kitchen as a cultural space in Gaziantep), and a founding member of Center for Spatial Justice in Istanbul. She holds a PhD from Delft University of Technology, and a BArch from Middle East Technical University in Ankara. She is currently a fellow at BAK Utrecht.
Scientific Panels, Partnerships of Change – Debate Session
Architects must build alliances to challenge dominant structures and redistribute power relations to seek social and environmental justice, and access to rights for all. The UIA2023 Call for Papers has…
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