Natalia Brener Maceiras is an urbanist architect from Uruguay, graduated from the School of Architecture, Universidad de la República UDELAR and Master in Territorial Planning and Urban Development from the same university.
In the professional field, she has performed a variety of roles and activities in project design, supervision and construction management, advising on land use planning and urban development, mainly in the public sector.
With emphasis on the design of public spaces, sustainable urban mobility, return of valuations and participatory processes in the planning of land use instruments.
In the public administration she is part of the technical team of the Municipality of Canelones, performing tasks in the areas of planning, public spaces, financing of cities and territorial management from 2005 to date and is currently Director of Sustainable Territory Consultancy
Project teacher at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, Universidad de la República Uruguay for the period 2002-2012.
She received the National Urbanism Award for her Master’s Thesis on Land Use Planning and Sustainable Development on Lessons Learned on the recovery of capital gains in the framework of Law 18308.
President of Uruguayan Society of Architects for the period 2020-2022
Member of the International Union of Architects UIA Public Spaces Work Program (UIA)from 2020 to date.
Gender and Equity Advisor to the Executive Committee of the Pan American Federation of Architects Associations (FPAA) from 2022 to date.
She participates in multiple academic exchanges at national and international level, congresses, seminars and events, as well as advising as an expert in urban and territorial planning.