Welcome to Malmö – with the youngest population in Sweden – and an evening with exhibitions and seminars about growing up in the city. Meet Sweden’s most prominent voices on children, architecture and planning and be a part of the discussion of how we shape a better urban future for young people.
Holding points |
17.30-18.00 : Presentation of the exhibition “Play for democracy”
18.00-18.30 : 3×10 presentations
Katarina Carlsson, Plats Kultur”GLAP”
Karin Lobo Lundgren, Spacescape ”Barnvänliga stadsdelar”
Sara Stiber, Växtvärket ”Gatulabba”
18.30-19.30 : Panel discussion including Q&A-session
Invited panelists | Stefana Hoti, Chairman of the city planning board
/ Finn Williams, City Architect / Karin Lobo Lundgren, Urban Planner, Spacescape / Sara Stiber, Project Manager Gatulabba, Växtvärket
Moderator | Kris Johnson-Jones
19.30-20 : Mingle