It has become a widely referenced statistic that our built environments are responsible for approximately 40 percent of global carbon emissions. Yet, it’s less publicised that current carbon reduction policies and pledges, including all binding long-term net-zero targets, would only limit warming to around 2.1°C by the end of the century, resulting in catastrophic consequences.
This reality forces us into a different play; necessitating a systemic transformation of the way we value, use, and build. As the original Bauhaus movement transformed our theory of design, the New Bauhaus movement will fundamentally transform how and what we account for; how we interact with and use spaces; the ways we live and work; and how we design our built environment. This will require us to shift the entire economic landscape of Europe.
This panel debate brings together leading European actors driving systemic transition of European built environments across public and private sectors. Together we will explore how to leverage our collective force to transition, at the scale and speed that is needed. We’ll discuss how these fundamental changes will go hand in hand with the way we transform our cities and design our future.