Rebuilding For Hope When Hope Is Under Attack

Communities struck by crisis or disaster, be it manmade or natural, are destabilised in manners beyond physical damage and destruction. Besides houses and infrastructure, disasters hit the identities and cultures of affected communities as well. Crises unfolding in the shape of war and conflict add further complexity to the situation as uncertainty is exacerbated by feelings of fear and distrust that may linger for decades, both during the war and its aftermath, as enemies turn (back) into neighbours.

In this session, we discuss ways in which architecture can strengthen the identity and culture of communities damaged by disasters and/or ongoing conflict. How urban planning and development can support cohesiveness in areas of conflict. How traditions, building practices, cultural heritage, monuments and local crafts can be tools for reclaiming ownership of one’s community. How architecture can help provide a sense of home for the displaced or/and despaired – and perhaps even contribute to peace?

This session is linked to the Rebuilding Pavilion and is a part of Realdania Talks, a series of sessions sponsored by the philanthropic association Realdania.



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