Christina Hvid has been the CEO of Molio, the Danish construction industry’s knowledge center, since 2019. Molio provides digital tools, education, and services to ensure that all parties involved in construction, ranging from developers, architects, and engineers to large contractors and small craftsmen, can access the latest knowledge as well as information on legislation, international standards and practices.
Christina Hvid is recognized as a pioneer in identifying and implementing new digital opportunities and working methods within the construction industry. Her mission is to strengthen sustainable and efficient construction through technology-driven innovation and cross-sector collaboration, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the Danish construction industry.
Furthermore, Christina Hvid has launched ConTech Lab as a collaboration between Molio, the Danish Industry Foundation, and Realdania on behalf of the entire construction industry. ConTech Lab is the industry’s shared development platform that connects a deep understanding of the processes behind construction projects with new technology, where new forms of collaboration can be tested and scaled to create the future of construction – a more sustainable construction industry.