Rikke Sørensen

Chairman, ULF – Inclusion Denmark

Rikke Sørensen is making an impression on the world on behalf of the ones that do not yet have the courage to speak up. Rikke is passionate about being a spokesperson for others, learning along the way, making a difference and watching the change happen. Her own journey is one of helping others and developing herself in the same arenas as she is now speaking about – Empowering Youth Autonomy.

With her commitment, Rikke wishes to change the premise surrounding the youth life. She advocates a more nuanced view as well as inspiring her peers to feel and grow that sense of freedom, the right to decide for oneself and avoiding overprotection in the midst of living a youthlife with at disability.

Aside from her work with SUMH, she actively engages in the following arena:
• Chairman of ULF Youth: As the Chairman, she takes pride in delivering presentations, drawing from her personal experiences. She aims to inspire fellow young individuals, empowering them to embrace life with confidence.
• By advocating for the inclusion of – among others – the ULF target group – she is committed to ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes. While progress has been made, she continuously strives for greater representation.
• She has a special interest in Co-living Communities: She hopes to re-think the concept of co-living, to create the best possible environments for young people with disabilities.

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