Jacob Bundsgaard, 46, holds an MA in Political Science from Aarhus University and worked as an analyst after graduation. Mr. Bundsgaard was elected to the Aarhus City Council in 2002 and became Vice Mayor for Culture and Citizens’ Services in 2009. From 2010–2011, he was Vice Mayor for the department of Children and Young People before being elected to the City’s leading political position as Mayor of Aarhus in August 2011 – a position he has held ever since.
Besides serving as Mayor of Aarhus, Mr. Bundsgaard also serves as vice chairman of Local Government Denmark, KL, which is the association and interest organisation of the 98 Danish municipalities. In addition, he is chairman of the boards for the Port of Aarhus and Aarhus Festival Week (Aarhus Festuge) and serves on several other boards.